Hello, and welcome to Cold Copy!!
This newsletter is comprised of a couple of columns that go out each month:
Double Texts - Articles, books, film/TV recommendations
Love Affairs - Things I love, or perhaps even things that have broken my heart, favorite restaurants, shops, xtra things you should know about, etc.
Transcripts - Interviews with creatives, writers, and artists on their process and how they stay motivated.
Library Hours - This is not so much a column, but this is an invitation for a recurring Zoom meeting Monday-Friday from 6 am to 8 am ET.
Rules for Library Hours: Camera off. Audio off. No chat. Join late or drop early. There is zero pressure to stay the entire time. This is a meeting space for you to take your writing habits seriously. I’ll be there most days, but sometimes I won’t be! Seriously, use it as you need.
Subscribe so you don’t miss a thing.
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